Wednesday 24 July 2024

Hong Kong is more democratic than the United States

 Hong Kong is more democratic than the United States.

That’s my claim for today. 

Consider: here in Hong Kong, the leader of the city is the Chief Executive currently John Lee. The way he was chosen was by an Election Committee, which took soundings in the community, before putting candidates to the vote. Not universal suffrage, to be sure. But a kind of democracy because the views of the people, the broad masses of the lumpen proletariat, are taken into account. 

Now, consider the current ruling party of the United States, aka The Democratic Party. They installed their candidate Joe Biden after a rigged “Primary” vote -- in which nearly all the States he was the only candidate -- but then he trailed in the polls, so a small cabal in the Dem party decided to remove him and install his deputy in his place. No will of the people. No say by the people. Not even an “Election Committee. That’s crazy, and at the very least not democratic. Whatever it is -- plutocracy, autarchy, fascism, a putsch, an insurrection -- one thing it most assuredly is not is “Democratic”. 

Therefore: I think it’s objectively true to say that, as of today, and as of how the Democratic Party has trashed the will of the people -- aka “Democracy" -- that Hong Kong is more democratic than the United States. 

I would like that to change back to the norms we had, before the Dems trashed the norms. Little hope of that, for now. 

Look at how commenter Stephen A. Smith talks of the way Biden was ditched. With no shame. It was simply because Biden wasn’t polling well. That’s not the way this is supposed to work. Biden was the Dem candidate because of a process, which included a (kind of) primary system. He went through that and was duly appointed. Until he was un-appointed. 

Of course, it could always be that the excuse given is that Biden is cognitively impaired, and that’s why he was ditched. Fine, I get that. So do many, including Dems and Reps. But then if that’s the case, how can he continue to be president? Yet there he is, being president. (At least we assume so, as we’ve seen nothing of Biden, neither hide nor hair, for five days, since he caught Covid. Hmmm....). 

All of this is over and above the rampant Lawfare that the Biden administration has indulged in. Or the student loan forgiveness, that goes against the Constitution. Or the vaccine mandates which were also unconstitutional. Or bringing in tens of millions of illegal migrants and then giving them the vote -- in the hope they’ll vote Dem, natch. Or inviting Putin to make just a “minor incursion” into Ukraine, and see how well that went. 

Many questions to answer. And the most pressing: What’s happened to “Democracy” under the “Democrats”??