Saturday 13 July 2024

"The true President of America’s Fifth Republic Obama, not Biden, is the nation's new Lincoln" | David Samuels

 Fine truth telling from David Samuels: 

Let the conspiracy theorists debate whether and how Obama pulls the strings of Biden’s corpse. This Fourth of July, Americans can celebrate the founding of the Fifth American Republic and its founder, Barack Obama, who has lived up to his goal of becoming the 21st-century Abraham Lincoln — at least as far as his impact on American political history goes. History, however, also tells us that Lincoln also jailed his political opponents, and that the Republic he founded quickly became a kleptocracy that eventually imploded amid a massive social crisis, before a new Republic arose. Hopefully, Americans will get lucky a sixth time, too.

From the beginning:

"The true President of America’s Fifth Republic Obama, not Biden, is the nation's new Lincoln" | David Samuels

What people on the right have been saying for ages, for years, and been told “it’s nonsense, it’s conspiracy theory”, is now on the lips of all lefties, and there’s not a hint of embarrassment, or even acknowledgement. 
