Sunday 28 July 2024

The Olympics Opening Ceremony (the “OOC”)

Dear Roy and H.G.,

I feel you're going a bit soft on the shocker of this Paris OOC. At least, H.G. Nelson said he was, in today's opening pod of the Olympics, your excellent "People, Medals and Cheese".

Would I be wrong to surmise that it was perhaps under pressure from the ABC? (Who I'm guessing just *loooved* the "edginess" of the OOC).


For us it remains the case that the OOC was in poor taste, tawdry, anti -Christian. Perhaps most damningly it was deeply hypocritical. I'm atheist, but agree with the many who have said: "try doing a "Drag Queen Last Supper" equivalent for Islam". They wouldn't dare.

The OOC was also in breach of the IOC Mission StatementSpecifically articles 5, 6 and 11 which require neutrality, non-discrimination and oppose any political abuse. This OOC breached all of these.

We maintain our feeling of distaste for it and blame it on Monsieur Macron….

Apart from your excellent pod, we won't be watching or following this Olympics (or even eating Brie).

Our own little Boycott, Divestment and Sanction. 

Peter & Jing 
Hong Kong 

PS: we do note the fun news that Australia is at the top of the medals table as of Day One! 
And that Hong Kong has already bagged a Gold in fencing. Way to go Oz and Hongkers!

ADDED: here’s just one report on the Drag Queens in the Last Supper tableu. There are many others. 

Most say that it’s Christians or conservatives who are upset. As in “just” Christians and conservatives. Why should we worry about them?

I’m neither, neither Christian (I’m atheist) nor conservative (I’m left libertarian), and I’m not so much upset by the tableau, but by the hypocrisy: of the tableau itself and of its creators. 

I do care that they mock the beliefs of nearly 2 billion humans. But I wouldn’t mind at all if they treated other religions, and specifically Islam exactly the same and with the same mockery. Again, it’s the hypocrisy that gets me. 

I note too that the organisers of the OOC are now trying to say that it had nothing to do with mocking the Last Supper but that it was something to do with an ancient Greek myth. Pull the other one. That just shows that they’re not just hypocrites for doing this only to Christians, but they’re liars too. 

They try and play it all off as French edginess. As French culture. As French fashion. As French, you know, joie de vivre. The certain je ne sais quoi. Nonsense. It’s anti-capitalist, anti-Christian and anti-west. That’s what the whole of this OOC show was about. 

The Islamists would be happy with this year’s OOC. The decline and imminent death of western civilisation is celebrated at the Olympics. Hurrah! Don’t worry. We’ll come and fix up that LGBTQ thing for you. We’ll fix up that Christian thing for you. We’ll fix up your society for you. We’ll sort out your legal system for you. Shariah, here we come.