Sunday 4 November 2018

Stop biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction, warns UN | The Guardian

This is the sort of hyperbolic nonsense that makes so many people turn off the main message of the environmentalists.  The main message being that we need to look after our world better. Absolutely. 
But "we're doomed!" ?  No, we're not. 
I'm old enough to remember the Club of Rome. Predictions of global food shortages.  Doom and death. 
Just before we had the surge in food production. 
I'm old enough to remember "peak oil". Didn't happen. 
Every few years we're told we only have two years.  Or doom.
And now we're supposed to buy the "fact" that we'll all die out if we don't overthrow capitalism in the next two years.  
And from the UN?  Which has the worst, simply the worst, record of prediction on just about anything, including on climate.
No tx fellas. Not buyin' gottedammerung today.