Saturday 12 November 2022

Skeptic magazine, the abortion issue

Pro-choice case, by Michael Shermer (Published 6 September 2022)

Pro-life case, by Danielle D’Souza Gill. (Published 27 September 2022)

Abortion pros and cons: is it a cut-and-dried issue? Is it obvious what you should believe?

Is it an issue on which only women should have an opinion? Where men should butt out?

Have your own views about abortion changed at all? From wide reading? Or from your feelings alone?

If your opinion on abortion has not changed at all, should you be proud of sticking to your opinion? If yes, why? Isn’t it “bigotry” to refuse to change your opinion even with new facts? Have you seen no new facts in what you’ve read about abortion? 

Can you be anti abortion, but pro choice?

Are “pro-life” and “pro-choice” the best terms for these opposing views? What about “anti-abortion” and “pro-abortion”? More accurate? Or too restrictive? (Eg disallows the “pro choice anti-abortion” stance)