Thursday 3 November 2022

Greta Turdburg: destroying the planet one platitude at a time

Greta Thunberg’s first platitudes: “you are stealing our future” and “how dare you!”, and “blah, blah, blah”. Now it’s a bigger platitude. The “whole capitalist system is bad” and needs to be torn down.

Problem is some platitudes are dangerous. Like Greenpeace’s “No Nuclear” in the 1970s. Which stopped nuclear station development in its tracks. If not for which we would be carbon neutral already. already. Instead of which we’re struggling to hit “net zero” by 2050.

Thunberg now attacks capitalism. We keep walking down that road to hell, the one paved with good intentions. (I’ll do young Greta the courtesy of assuming her intentions are good).

Michael Shellenberger does a fine counter, with facts and logic. Problem is, when you’re so far in thrall to an anti-capitalist ideology — Greta’s is communism one presumes — facts and logic don’t matter. It’s all feelings. Beliefs. You’re immune to facts and logic. Sigh…