Tuesday 14 May 2024

Anjem Choudary’s explanation of Islam

I've quoted Anjem Choudary before. He does set out, very clearly, if scarily, the basics of Islam when it comes into contact with non-Muslim countries. As it is doing now in the west, has been for decades, but will over time convert to Islamic societies. 

If we don't stop it. 

ADDED: Osama bin Laden, in his writings to the Muslim world (but not to westerners)* makes these three choices crystal clear. And that that’s why his Al Qaeda was (and still is) attacking the west, as on 911. 

Sure there are grievances, like the Palestine question, but even absent that, even with not a single grievance, Islam has to keep fighting, has to keep attacking the west for they (we) are infidels, unbelievers, despised kuffars. And they (we) should be offered only the three choices: (1) Submit to Islam and become a Muslim (the word “Islam” means submission) (2) Pay the Jizya tax owed by non-Muslims in Muslim lands or (3) be killed. 

Thus, in a very real sense, OBL and his mujahideen attacked us on 911 because they hate our freedoms. Hate our freedom not to be Muslim. W. Bush was right about that. And yet, in the west, the likes of Noam Chomsky, and Glenn Greenwald, buy the idea that the only reason they attack is because of grievances. They conclude, therefore, that we must try to address the grievances. By surrendering to the Palestinians, for example. 

No. No matter what we do, Islam will still be after us in the west. In the shape of a new Osama bin Laden, or in the shape of Hamas, or Hezbollah, or Fatah, or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or Boko Haram, or the Muslim Brotherhood, or any of the rest of the theocratic-fascist groups around the world, now living deep in our western societies. Which will be western no more if we succumb to “suicidal empathy” (eg, for “refugees” for “chain migration”, for family reunions. For taking in Gazan refugees, FFS, when not a single surrounding Arab state will take them because they cause chaos). 

One man who has got this, and very clearly, is Sam Harris. I’ve rather made fun of Sam and his Trump Derangement Syndrome; but on Islam he’s rock solid. Sound. Based.

*The Al-Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim