Sunday 12 May 2024

Gaza Palestinians

Letter to BBC. RE: story on Palestinians fleeing Rafah to seaside camps where, says BBC, they have no facilities:

They could have NOT voted for Hamas. 
They could have demanded Hamas surrender. 
They could have demanded Hamas hand back the hostages it illegally captured.  
They could have said they want to recognize their neighbours. 
They could have said they want to live in peace with their neighbours.

And their neighbours would have gladly helped them prosper.

But no…

They chose Hamas. And thus they chose Terror. They chose genocide. They chose tunnels and rockets. They chose rape and plunder. They chose murder and Go-pro braggadocio. 

And now they moan and complain. Because their neighbours defend themselves. And are determined to exterminate Hamas. 

Too bad. 

This is all on the Palestinians and Hamas. 

It was all in their power to build a prosperous Gaza. 

They chose Jew-hatred instead, Jew-killing instead, Jew-genocide instead.

Peter Forsythe
Hong Kong