What a dog’s breakfast of an article. “Analysis” by anecdote. The IDF soldiers are “grievously wounded” and thus, we are to assume, more insightful. Telling us that Bibi is “afraid of his own shadow” (and thus presumably should have been more forceful in Gaza), yet is somehow, and at the same time, to be negotiating with “Arab neighbours”.
No mention of Hamas. No mention of the perfidy of Joe Biden. No mention of the severe constraint put on Bibi’s War Cabinet by the Biden gang.
In one breath Bibi should resign or be ousted and in another breath it’s admitted there is noone capable of leadership.
And yet, somehow, yet again the “two-state solution” lurches into view, the zombie, the Walking Dead, lall tattered raiments and blood-soaked bandages. Oh dear.
And yet again, we have the comparison with Vientmam, Enough already. (Where the South Vietnamese are repeatedly described as “corrupt”, but not the North or the Viet Cong, equally corrupt, yet more venal, as they slaughtered their enemies, including baby Amerasians in orphanages, after America’s ignominious surrender. I know. I was there.
And as for the war in Gaza being a defeat, that’s only if the Biden administration forces it. Had they not constrained Bibi, the cabinet and the IDF, it would all be over.
There’s plenty of blame already to go around and a shitload of it is on Joe’s empty head.
I’m a paying subscriber because of the excellent Seymour Hersh acticle on the Gazprom pipeline explosions.
But I gotta say, Sy, this is a lazy and ill-thought out piece.