Wednesday 29 May 2024

Explaining the “Dead Babies” strategy of Hamas’ asymmetric warfare |Thomas Schiefer

Which is to have as many dead civilians as possible, paraded in front of the media, which is picked up by western media and then western elites turn against the war.

In other words, there's no argument that this is the strategy of Hamas. They brag about it themselves. What the video above does is to explain it clearly. 

And how successful it's been. It's worked a treat. 

The downside for us on the other side it this: that with the success of this version of asymmetric warfare, the “Dead Babies” strategy, it becomes a favoured method of terrorism. Make sure you hide behind civilians, make sure you have as many babies in the firing line; make sure you have as many non-combatants killed as possible; then make sure you show it all to the media in detail. They will lap it up. And be blowed to any worries about being charged by the International Criminal Court for a “war crime”. Hah! Because (a) they won’t and (b) even if they did you don’t care.