Tuesday 14 May 2024

Trump Cope

Straws in the wind:

Fareed Zacharia, says, on CNN that Trump did better on the border issue, that he’s far more popular on handling the economy and that the current spate of legal cases said t Trump are Lawfare, that is, they are politically motivated. This from Zacharia, an anti Trumper, a major contributor on CNN, itself a huge Biden supporter. Also criticises Biden handling of Gaza. 

House Rep Eric Swallwell, a major league Trump-hater, posts on X that his local DAs and judges are “too soft on crime”. Other Dems in CA are getting angry at Governor Gavin Newsom for “losing” $20 billion spent on unsuccessfully tackling the  homeless problem.

James Carville, Democrat uber-strategist, the genius who came up with Bill Clinton’s “It’s the economy, stupid” winner-zinger in 1992, says on YouTube that Democrat propaganda is “not working”.

Talking of Bill Clinton, he recently said that the whole “tribalising” thing the Dems are obsessed by — DEI, CRT, ESG…i.e. everything is race and gender, all the woke stuff  — is not only divisive, but will ruin the country.

Bill Maher says that people have to understand that Trump is not Hitler. That if he wins the skies won’t collapse. He even acknowledges that things were “pretty good” during the Trump presidency. 

MSNBC has journalist who push back against Biden in interviews. Something never done before.

CNN these days reports (some) negatives on Biden; again, never done before. Eg, Dem strategist David Axelrod saying it was “not a good idea” for Biden to be telling the voters “you’re wrong” when they say they don’t feel as well off as before. 

It’s almost like some Dems are starting to rearrange their brains in case of a Trump win. Which polls are showing very likely. Thus: the Big Cope.