Thursday 23 May 2024

HAMAS do NOT want a “two-state solution”

Honestly, how often do we need to say this? To repeat what Hamas themselves say? Which is also what the Palestinian Government on the West Bank say? How often do they, the Palestinians, need to say it? 
We, the Palestinians, want none of your "two-state solution". We only want the whole of what we call “Palestine” which is what we’ve got plus all of that illegitimate Zionist state you call “Israel”. 
Very well, you may reply, so what are we to do about that? How do we move forward? 

Well first acknowledge the truth. Even if it's uncomfortable and gives you no obvious bromide to trot out as a "solution". And that truth is that the Palestinians do not want and will not accept a two-state solution. End of.

Then what? 

Then this.We should say to The Palestinians: you do NOT get Israel. Get used to that. And you get no recognition. We rescind the previous steps we made towards that. We demand you recognise Israel. We demand you acknowledge Israel. We demand you commit to live in peace beside Israel. Then we can talk about statehood. Until then nothing. Niente. Nada. 

We should treat Hamas as we did apartheid South Africa. For Hamas and the PA are even worse than the apartheid regime. We should isolate them. Cease all aid. Disband UNRWA. 

Likelihood of that happening: approximately zero. 
Likelihood of the two-state solution happening: approximately zero. 

Yet we've banged our head against that latter goal, made endless concessions to genocidal terrorist bodies — PLO, Hamas, Fatah, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Islamic Jihad— and appeased them at every turn, for nearly 80 years. And for what? For Hamas to have exactly the same demands as they had 80 years ago. Full marks for consistency. But, Enough already!

The latest sleazy appeasement is Norway, Ireland and Spain all announcing they will recognise the "Palestinian State". Which Palestinian State, pray tell? The murderous one in Gaza? Or the murderous one on the West Bank? Which parts of of A, B and C of the West Bank? And what about the Jews who live there? Given the Palestinian demand for “their” lands to be Judenrein?

The Spanish PM said he was doing this for "peace, justice and logic". Which beggars my mind. The first requirement for a state is clear borders. The second a sound government. The third that it will live in peace with its neighbours. “Palestine” meets none of these criteria. Where’s the logic? Where’s the peace? Where’s the justice for Jews, who will be “ethnically cleansed” or murdered? 

As for the Republic of Ireland, as one commenter noted it wasn't enough for them to support the Nazis in WW2.They had to go full-on OG terrorist supporter. I thank Spaghetti Monster that my forebears are from Northern Ireland and not that joke of a country to the south… heh! (We drove clockwise around the whole island of Ireland in 2018, and visited my grand-dad’s farm in Ballymena, NI. We enjoyed it well enough, and of course the locals are friendly! But I’m glad grandad left for Sydney in 1897. Where he did very well, btw).

Snip, below from the Middle East Monitor. Hamas makes it crystal-clear, one more time, their views on the "Two-state solution". [my emphases]:

The head of Hamas’s diaspora office, Khaled Meshaal, has reiterated the movement’s rejection of the two-state solution, saying the Palestinian people demand liberation from the Israeli occupation, independence and the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Speaking to Ammar Podcast on Tuesday, Meshaal said: “The West says that October 7 has opened up prospects for a political vision, so they have returned to talk about their old commodity, which is the two-state solution.”

“The 1967 borders represent 21 per cent of Palestine, which is practically one fifth of its land, so this cannot be accepted,” he added.

“Our Palestinian project, which has a quasi-Palestinian national consensus, is that our right in Palestine from the sea to the river, and from Ras Al-Naqoura to Umm Al-Rashrash or the Gulf of Aqaba, cannot be waived. This is our Palestinian right and our presence in this land, modern and ancient,” he added. More …