Wednesday 15 May 2024

Today is “Nakba Day”

My quick history lesson at the site of the SCMP article. We are supposed to mourn, with Palestinians, the loss of their land, the "Nakba". Their "Holocaust"

I don't. The "catastrophe" — and yes, it was and remains a catastrophe — was entirely self-created. It was, from day one 1947, wrong. And remains wrong. 

History could have been so much kinder if only one side had shown some Grace. I've seen Arab voices saying this. What was needed and what remains needed is Grace. Sadly those voices are rare and muted. 

By the way, today is also holiday in Hong Kong. For us, Buddha's Birthday.

1. Two states, side by side, were proposed by the new United Nations in 1946. The Jews accepted; the Arabs rejected.
2. Israel was created as a state by a majority vote in the United Nations in November 1947. (The Yes vote included Australia, which only makes the recent betrayal of Israel at the UN by our Foreign Minister all the more painful).
3. Surrounding Arab countries invaded the new Israel in early 1948.
4. Before attacking, the Arab governments told the Arabs living in the new Israel (which had welcomed them to stay) to leave, so the Arab armies could freely slaughter the Jews.
5. But… The Arab armies lost the war. And some of land that had been set aside for the new Arab state. And lost the right to return for the residents they'd told to leave — by the way, a common and regular outcome of war. (Eg, as evident in the new boundaries drawn at the very recent end of WWII).
6. This is the "Nakba". The Palestinian "Holocaust". A self-created catastrophe. For which they blame Israel. As they have continued to do ever since. It is, however, entirely on their head. As the world should never stop pointing out. (But doesn't). 

The lesson: You don't get to start a war, then demand a do-over when you lose. 

Which Hamas is trying for now. What else is a "permanent ceasefire" and withdrawal of all Israeli troops from Gaza, but the demand that Israel surrender.  Hamas want a do-over. And in this they are being supported by nitwits at western colleges. And nitwits in the Biden Administration. Blinken, Sullivan, Austin and the rest of that tawdry gang. 
