Wednesday 15 May 2024

75% of Europeans think there’s too much immigration. So, why aren’t they listened to?


Look at the above chart. For some reason, it excludes the UK but I know the figure there is also around 75%. With such high figures, why doesn’t the democratic system do something about it? 

Couple of thoughts: 

1. The actual implementation of any measures to control immigration is in the hands of Civil Servants. I know the Civil service, as I was in it, for Australia for about 20 years. They are all pretty much leftie and don’t like to think that they ought control immigration at all. They do indeed feel virtuous, and if they ever get to know about polls showing figures of 70% percent against too much illegal immigration they just think it’s a bunch of oiks who need to be made understand. By bringing in ever larger numbers of migrants. 

2. In Europe the situation is compounded by the supranational bureaucracy of the EU, in Brussels. They are literally out of touch and untouchable. And very much in favour of more immigration, because it’s “compassionate” and “tolerant” and so on; and to do the opposite is -- horror -- racism.

Meantime, the issue is -- to me, at least -- not so much one of numbers (which it is) but more an issue of the culture of the immigrants. When they are from Mulsim countries, with very different values in terms of how they treat women, gays, non-Muslims and other religions, and they strongly resist integration, while demanding obeisance to their own practices -- like everyone at a workplace, Muslim and non-Muslim alike at a workplace respecting the fast at Ramadan -- then we’ve got a real problem. It’s a problem today at the level of simply giving in. Either we keep giving in, and end up with an Islamic country, run on Sharia law, or we resist and that’s going to lead to confrontation. 

This was the reason I started this blog 15 years ago. I made various predictions then about the Islamisation of Europe. I was wrong on those predictions: it’s happened much faster that I thought, both on the mainland of Europe, in places like Germany, France and Sweden, and in the UK, where whole cities have been Islamised.