Wednesday 29 May 2024

Nuclear for Australia supported by Dick Smith

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Dick Smith is a bit of a legend in Australia. Successful entrepreneur and businessman, environmentalist, Australian of the Year. He’s now retired, I believe, and supporting Nuclear, as a Patron on “Nuclear for Australia”, because of its obvious benefits for Australia. 

ADDED: he’s also a speed hot-air balloonist and twice flew a helicopter solo around the world, in all five flights around the world in single engined aircraft. So, and adventurer as well.  Here

He’s being interviewed by the equally remarkable William Shackel, who at just 17 has already appeared several times on Australia ABC’s Q&A, awa in numerous publications.  AND set up the “Nuclear for Australia” site and petition. 

A majority of young Australians, the Zoomers, from both parties, support nuclear for Australia. It seems that those against Nuclear  are mostly old Boomers -- just not me, as I’m violently in support of Nuclear for Australia. The older Boomers who are worried about Nuclear are worried about the issues that they saw when they were young: proliferation of bombs, nuclear testing int he Pacific, danger of meltdown. All these are not an issue now, but Boomers have not caught up. 

I encourage any Occasional Readers here to sign the Nuclear for Australia petition so as well.