Saturday 31 August 2024

Kamala Harris is "not ready". And people see through it. | Hugh Hewitt


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Hugh Hewitt talks to Ben Domenech and truth bombs are dropped. 

I do hope they are right. That the public see through this nonsense of hers. And her Liar Teammate. Not because Trump is a wonderful alternative. But because he's an alternative we've seen once before, who did fine by the economy, by lower crime, by better wages, by no new wars, vs all that Kamala and ol' Joe have done in the last four years. And more of which is what all she'd do. 

CNN’s Dana Bash softball interview of Kamala Harris | analysis by Megyn Kelly

Click above for the video 
There’s a thing Scott Adams talks about: “one screen; two movies”.  By which he means that the same thing is viewed two opposite ways by different people. And so it is with the 18-minute CNN interview of Kamala Harris last night 30 August by CNN’s Dana Bash

This as Kamala’s first interview in the 43 days (!) since the Gang of Four* took poor old Joe behind the shed and put him down (kindly), like Old Yeller, and she became the gloopy young puppy dog for president. The only time in presidential election history that the candidate has had zero primary votes. 

On CNN, MSNBC, abc, they all think t was a “wonderful” interview, “presidential”, “she answered all the questions (!)”, she was “smooth and assured”. Listen to the likes of David Axelrod, Van Jones, Rachel Maddow say these things.

On the other side, plenty of conservatives on YT are not at all impressed.

One screen; two movies.

One of the best on the conservative side: Megyn Kelly. She herself was a moderator of a presidential debate: Trump v Hillary in 2016. Where she was tough on both. Always thoroughly prepared. Today she demolishes Dana Bash for fluffing this Kamala interview and “letting us all down”. 

Problem is that liberals, Democrats, will only see one side of this movie. Only the people telling them that Kamala was “wonderful”. We know that because plenty of polling shows us liberals view only liberal media. Conservatives by contrast will see both movies; will watch and read not only conservative media (which is basically just Fox), but also view liberal media, like CNN, MSNBC, etc, because that’s such a huge chunk of the media landscape. It can’t be avoided.

Which is why, on this blog, I focus on the conservative views. Because there’s so much on the other side, the only balance is to show conservative views. And even then, of course, it’s nothing like the weight of what’s supporting the Dems. 
*Gang of Four: Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, George Soros. (Not the Chinese G-4).

ADDED: As of today on CNN YouTube they have the interview chopped into 3 parts. In all they're ratio'd: 35k likes to 83K dislikes. And that's from the mostly Kamala-supporting CNN viewers. So: even they didn't like it. Lots of comments about how weak the questions were and why not release the whole transcript. 

Friday 30 August 2024

Young blokes doing stupid things is the way the world advances

Click above for the video
Aussie blokes -- and a few young Sheilas -- doing their thing in New Zealand. 

"CIA And FBI Spread Disinformation And Interfered In 2020 Presidential Election” | Michael Shellenberger

Click above for the video

The Dems think -- or at least they tell us, non-stop -- that this is all so much hooey. It’s not. It’s substantial. 

For a start, Joe Biden and his son Hunter should have gone to jail for it. At the very least Biden should not have won the 2020 election, because of the gross interference, or if he had, he should have had to resign. 

Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 for the “crime” of hiding the break-in to the Watergate building. Which was a bunch of bumblers trying to find Oppo dirt on the Dems, at the then Democratic National Convention. IOW, he resigned not for the crime but for hiding the crime. 

In the case of Joe and Hunter, they not only did the crime -- by all the evidence in the “Laptop from Hell” -- but they hid it as well. And yet are walking free. Joe is even still president of the United States. Or so some say. Or so it is alleged. Or so it is believed be some in the media. 

What about the 51 Intelligence chiefs, past and present, who signed the now infamous letter saying that the Hunter Laptop was Russian Disinformation? They knew it wasn’t. They knew it. They lied. It affected the 2020 election. Why are they all still free? Why are they still on “respectable” media outlets like CNN, still pontificating, instead of rotting in jail? 

Thursday 29 August 2024

"White House staffer who demanded Facebook censor information is now Kamala's Deputy Campaign Manager"

.... name of Rob Flaherty.

Click bottom part to go to the X post.

Love them some censorship, these Dems...

I post screenshot of the letter below, because these days you can’t be sure stuff will kept. If it’s embarrassing, especially to the Dems, zeeeep... down the memory-hole!

Wednesday 28 August 2024

"Corporate Media is Dying While Independent Media is Thriving” | Megyn Kelly

Click above for the video
I’ve quoted Megyn Kelly often on this blog. Partly because she’s a sane and sound voice for the conservative side, and partly for the same reason. That she’s a sane and sound voice for the conservative side. 

Not that she’s only worked on the conservative side. Most will remember her for her time at Fox. But she’s also been an anchor on NBC and the abc. 

And now, here she is with her own show. Crushing it. Crushing her liberal competitors. 

Some numbers for latest views on YouTube, for July 2024:

  • The Megyn Kelly Show: 116.8 million
  • NBC: 78 million
  • CBS: 83 million
  • Sky News: 87 million
  • BBC: 72 million
  • CNBC: 17 million 

As Megyn says: “we’re crushing it”. Twice the BBC numbers; 100 million more than CNBC.

Click here to hear Megyn break these numbers down some more. And to tell us that “the audiences are onto the bullshit that is on mainstream press” and “This sea change cannot and will not be undone”. And -- to previous employer NBC -- “fuck you if you wanted me gone!”. On ‘ya Megs!

Liberals live in a cocoon. Conservatives don’t. 


Because all the media that’s around us is liberal. There’s only one that’s not and that’s Fox. Which libs won’t watch. 

If you’re a conservative, you know what the liberal views are, because they’re there, all around you. It’s the water in which we fish swim, without even realising that it’s water. It’s just there. But you also know the conservative view. Because you’re a conservative. You watch it on Fox, and search it out on the socials. 

That’s not the same the other way around. Because if you’re liberal, you’re told that all you need to know is on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, BBC, the The New York Times, Washington Post and so on. And you’re told “never, ever, ever go to Fox, it’s dangerous and wrong and evil and misinformation and... and... ”. So, you never learn the alternative view. You never learn the conservative view. 

Conservatives know there are bubbles and more or less what each one is. Liberals don’t even know they’re in a bubble. Therefore it’s impregnable. Un-pobbaple. It’s an impregnable bubble. 

Monday 26 August 2024

“All you need to know about this morning’s preemptive strike against Hezbollah” | Caroline Glick


Click above for the video 
“Israel this morning [25 August] foiled Hezbollah’s planned barrage of thousands of drones and missiles on the entirety of the country. Was this the response from Iran that everyone was expecting or is there more to come? Should Israel now make strategic adjustments? We’ll discuss all this and more on today’s episode”.

I’ve followed Caroline Glick for over a decade. She’s well connected to all levels of Israeli society, including the government, the IDF, the IAF, active soldiers, reservists, retired military and military experts. She’s a dogged analyst and commenter. As long as you’re happy —  as I am — with a bias to the continued existence of Israel.

She talks above of what would constitute “sustainable posture” aka “active defence” for Israel. Given that those who struck Hezbollah yesterday were reservists and can’t always be on ready stand by.

Here’s where I first wrote about Caroline: “We are the world, we con the people”. My first post (that I can find) where I mention Caroline Glick in June 2010, so, like, fourteen years ago. And probably before then. Quite a while then. 

Of course we “cross fingers” for Israel. Turns out the experts, like Yonah Jeremy Bob were wrong. Hezbollah was ready to attack Israel, but Israel was ready too. Hezbollah failed. And even the Arab world is mocking them. 

DNC 2024: Feel The Joy...Or Else! | Ben After Dark

 We need some good ol’ mockery of pretentious political thingies. And this is it, for the DNC.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Disco Fever Elon and Trump

"FULL SPEECH: RFK Jr. officially suspends 2024 campaign and endorses Trump” | New York Post

A good speech. Longish, but spot on, in so many ways, in the 
criticism of the abandonment of principles by the Dems. 
Click above for the video

The main independent candidate drops out and endorses Trump. He explains why. 

I admire Robert Kennedy Jr, though disagree with a lot of his policies. 

Still, he strikes me as a man of integrity. And his concern with the health of the nation, the health of young Americans, is admirable and he knows a lot about it. He’s also big on Free Speech. Listen to his criticisms of the modern Dem party. How it’s gone corrupt, how it’s restricted Free Speech. How it’s been bought by Big Pharma. 

If we wonder why CNN is so insanely and openly pro-Dem, so hateful against Trump, the answer is in the advertising on CNN. In the US it’s all from the Big Pharma companies. Who Do Not Want any challenge to their monopoly and the trillion dollar markets for their meds. True, dat. 

Just yesterday I’d listened to a podcast of Adam Carolla talking to JFK Jr’s Veep candidate, Nicole Shanahan. It’s a great talk. A “triumph of Common Sense”. From the two of them. A really good talk. 

If Kennedy could work with Trump to improve the health of Americans, especially young Americans, that would really be a legacy. 

Friday 23 August 2024

Arab states do not accept Gazan refugees. So why does Australia?

Click above for the video
Arab states do not accept Gazan refugees.

Yishai Fleisher has just noticed this, in the video above. Which I’d posted the original of 9 months ago. Still, worth posting his, as it’s not much understood in the west. Why don’t the Arab states allow in Gazan/Palestinian refugees? 

Why is that? Shouldn’t they treat them as their brothers? Their co-religionists? 

In short: beacause Gazans -- and “Palestinians” more broadly -- have been too radical. Too destabilising. Too much of a threat to any host country they’ve ever moved to. 

These Arabs countries have the experience of “Palestinian” refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. In both the outcome was bad. In Jordan the Kingdom was threatened before they kicked them out. And they went to Lebanon. Where they have established Hezbollah as an alternative government. And ruined a once prosperous and peaceful society. 

But Australia is now taking in record number of Gazan refugees. Which is causing a ruckus there. Also. Also. Also. We’re taking about ten times as many as any other western country, including the United States. Aussie ex-Muslim Harris Sultan lays into PM Albanese for letting in these undocumented and unvetted likely-Hamas-niks. Which Albanese has done on purpose. Almost It is a crime. 

Why are we doing this? Because they are a hook into voters for the Labor Party in Muslim majority areas surrounding Sydney. At a time when the balance between the two parties, Labor and Liberal, is fine. So, they do it for electoral reasons. They’re putting the security of Australia at risk for tawdry electoral benefit. 


My earlier posts on why Arab states don’t accept Gazan refugees, or any “Palestinian” refugees: 

(PS: I’ve started to put “Palestinian” in quotes because it’s a term that was hijacked by Yasser Arafat back in the sixties. Before that, and since the time of the Romans, Palestinian referred to the people of Palestine, which was always the Jews. There has never been a state of Palestine. It’s time the term was reclaimed. Just as the term “West Bank” ought to be ditched in favour of the more correct Judea and Samaria.)

Thursday 22 August 2024

"DNC speakers prove hard left turn for Harris party” | Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz is a lifetime Democrat who voted for every Dem president from Bill Clinton to Hillary Clinton

He’s also 50-year Harvard Law professor emeritus. Top of his class at Harvard and youngest ever law professor at Harvard. Barack Obama was a neighbour and friend.

In other words, a man of the Left, and hugely accomplished. 

Here he goes of on the Democratic National Convention, currently on in Chicago. For ditching Israel, its main ally in the Middle East. 

"DNC speakers prove hard left turn for Harris party” 

And... at the DNC Kamala Harris has announced two crazy policies (at least):

1. Price caps (aka “anti-corporate-gouging”). Which have never worked and have only led to shortages and black markets. 

2.  A tax of unrealised capital gains. This again has never worked. It would lead to a massive crush of the stock market and likely to as massive economic down-spiral. A tax like this would bankrupt half the companies in the US. 

And, also, less crazy, but still pretty crazy: an increase in corporate tax, when corporates are still reeling from post-covid recovery. 

The Most PSYCHOTIC Thing Democrats Want.

And it’s not just the conservatives like Shapiro having a go at her. Even Democratic economists are criticising them

And what the Democrats have pledged to do if they gain control of presidency, Senate and House. Proposals that will entrench a Democratic government forever. A one-party state, IOW. 

Wednesday 21 August 2024

“Crossing fingers” for Israel

Friends in Israel tell us they’re safe and ask us if I'm “crossing fingers” for Israel. 

For sure I think of them. Often. For sure I think of Israel. Often. For sure I stand with Israel. All the time. I’m a huge Zionist, a Goy-atheist Zionist. A philosemite, a Judeophile. Conversely, I hate the barbarians of Hamas. With good knowledge about them, about what they stand for, about their world view, about their Jew-hatred. (I first wrote about HAMAS on this blog fifteen years ago, on 27 July 2009, in “Jerusalem United”. By then I’d already read quite a lot about them. Enough to know they’re today’s Nazis. Only worse).

So, sure, I’m very happy my friends are well and safe and of course I “cross fingers” for Israel. 

Though it does seem to me that “crossing fingers” is a bit of an odd thought. From two folks that don’t believe in superstition and one a scientist, to boot. 

I get it. It’s just a saying. Meaning: "wish the best for us". Which I do. We do; this family does. 

But more than “crossing fingers”. I have faith in Israel. I have faith in its ability to defend itself. I have faith in its leadership. I have faith in its military. 

What I don’t have faith in, is the support from the United States. Which is supposed to be Israel’s strongest ally. But this Biden administration has acted so irresolute, so prevaricating, so flip-flopping, that it’s harmed Israel’s capacity to defeat Hamas. Had Biden been more resolute from the beginning of this Gaza war, it would have been over months ago. 

But things could get worse. Hamas head Yahya Sinwar has said he thinks they can “get on better” with a Kamala Harris administration. Imagine: that the enemy of your oldest and supposed-to-be best ally in the Middle East thinks they’d rather deal with you than with your opponent. Props to Hamas for having you so bamboozled, Kamala!

The US is holding Israel back from a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah. Where the longer we wait and prevaricate the more rockets Hezbollah put in Southern Lebanon, aimed at Israeli civilians. 

In my mind I’ve been blaming the US for holding Israel back from a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah. Or against the head of the octopus, Iran, as Alan Dershowitz has suggested

Still, it turns out there are people more expert than me who say that there will be no attack on Hezbollah this year. Because the deterrence has already been achieved by what the IDF have done in Gaza. 

I’m quoting here Yonah Jeremy Bob in the Jerusalem Post: "Why there will be no mega-war in the North with Hezbollah, at least this year “. 

Yonah Jeremy Bob is an author and Israeli-based journalist who has worked at The Jerusalem Post since 2012 and currently serves as senior military correspondent, intelligence analyst and Literary Editor.[1] He frequently lectures in Israel and the United States on security, spy wars, diplomacy and politics. [Link]

The Jerusalem Post is Centre-right. But I trust it on Israel issues more than Haaretz, a Left-wing paper. In an unfriendly and tough region like the Middle East, you can’t afford to be a “nice liberal”. You need toughies, like Benjamin Netanyahu. And papers like the Jerusalem Post, who report robustly from the Right. And don’t hate on Israel’s war-time leader, Bibi. And don’t hate on Israel itself. 

Yonah Jeremy Bob says
The conventional wisdom since late winter has been that war between Israel and Hezbollah is imminent and that there is no other way to return Israel’s 60,000 still evacuated northern residents to their homes.

After a series of high-level defense briefings in the late winter, I became convinced, and I still maintain, based on ongoing briefings (and have been right for around six months), that the mega war between Jerusalem and Beirut is not going to happen during this current conflict.

In two to five years, quite possibly or even likely – but not a few months ago, not now, and not in the coming months.

Cross fingers.  


ADDED: The “Gaza Ceasefire”. That the Dems are desperate for. Didn’t happen. Predictably. And it didn’t happen, yet again, nor because Israel refused it. But because Hamas refused it. Didn’t even turn up in Doha for the negotiations. And yet, as I write this, the Democratic National Convention is going on in Chicago and the criticism is all of Israel. All the crowds outside, all the demonstrators, all the AOC-types, all are hating on Israel, not on Hamas. 

That ought to tell you everything you need to know about the Dem's commitment to supporting the democratic state of Israel over the barbaric state of Hamas. They cover for Hamas. 

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Impressions of Kamala

 Click above for the video 
Kamala; Eminently make-fun-able-of:

Megyn Kelly is joined by Kamala Harris impersonator Estee Palti to discuss how she went viral on TikTok impersonating Kamala Harris, the absurdity of the way Harris talks and her total lack of authenticity, the keys to the impression including the laugh and the repeated phrases that don't mean anything, why the left doesn't want to make fun of Harris, and more.

Meanwhile, Democrats both past and present call Kamala “economically illiterate” especially for her “price control” / “anti-gouging” policies. On PBS, no less

Monday 19 August 2024

“And that’s why there are no bomb shelters in Gaza” | Eli Ezra

Click above for the video
An Occasional Reader sends me the above: “And that’s why there are no bomb shelters in Gaza”. 

Which has only 854 views at the time I watch it. But deserves many more. 

The point that Eli Ezra and friend make has been made often: that Hamas use children as human shields. They put them in front of infrastructure to protect the infrastructure from the IDF. That’s been called “The Dead Baby Strategy”, which they rename the strategy of “Tactical Civilian Sacrifice”. 

It’s revolting. It should repulse everyone. 

I posted about this in May and June, and referred to articles back in 2009

So it’s been known about for decades. Yet nothing happens because liberal elites in the West prefer to hate on Israel, rather than hating on Hamas. Lefties hate Israel and the West more than they hate the Jihadist, the infanticidal, the genocidal, the jew-hating, the west-hating, the homophobic, the misogynist, the supremacist, the dictatorial, the HAMAS. 

Bibi said recently at his speech to the US Congress: 

“Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. Our victory will be your victory”. 

All true. But the Left does not at all accept it. They hate Israel and they hate the West (because). 

And thus any “Tactical civilian sacrifice”, the “Dead Baby strategy”, is ignored. And all civilian deaths blamed on Israel. If you say otherwise, you’re the bigot. You’re the one supporting “Israeli genocide in Gaza”. Got it?


Summary of my vids and articles on “the Dead Baby Strategy” aka “Tactical Civilian Sacrifice”: 

“The Arab Muslim who believes in peace between Arabs & Israel” | Ollie Anisfeld and Loay Al-Shareef

Click above for the video 
“Islam needs a reform." "Allah assigned the Holy Land to the Jews". "From the River to the Sea should be banned." 

Ollie Anisfeld and Loay Al-Shareef have a conversation about Israel, Islam, Judaism and creating lasting peace between Jews and Arabs. They speak about both the political and theological issues surrounding the Middle East conflict. A fascinating discussion.

Al-Shareef repeats time and again how Arabs in the Middle East are taught to hate Jews. That Jews are liars, cheats, haters, murderers. That they are “apes and pigs”. Arabs are taught that with their mother’s milk. Most continue to believe that. That’s what most people would do. Continue to believe what’s taught them as fact, from the time they parted their umbilical cord. 

The “two-state solution” won’t work not because Israelis no longer support it. But because the Arabs living in Palestine have never accepted it. Not from the beginning. Not for the middle. Not now. Not ever. 

Luvvies in the west need to understand and internalise that fact. To date leaders in the west, and China, keep parroting it as a “solution” because that’s all they have. The alternative is to heap the blame where it belongs: on local Arabs. On Hamas. On the PA. And that won’t do. As much because of their own Muslim communities who are now so numerous as to be a major voting blocks (at least in the west), as for any principle of self-determination. 

Sunday 18 August 2024

It’s Trump against the world

Here’s an ideal presidential voting situation: 
  • Two candidates from two major parties. Both young(ish), both with previous experience in business and government. 
  • Two parties who duke it out, on the public stage, but who don’t resort to ad hominem or attacks on the family of the other candidate. 
  • A government -- a civil service -- that is neutral. Where public expressions of political leanings are frowned upon. 
  • A Media that follows both campaigns closely, questions and criticises both. 
  • A voting system that is: (1) Paper-based only -- no electronic voting (2) On Voting day only -- no early postal voting (3) Auditable (4) Requires ID. 
How we doing? Against that ideal?

Answer: Very badly. Not a single one of the above criteria is met. Not. A. Single. One. 

The biggest thing in the current US campaign is that the whole of the media -- the Mainstream Media, aka “legacy media” -- are on the side of Kamala Harris. The whole of that media are violently anti Donald Trump, right up to and including having “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. 

And the government, which some (not me) call the “Deep State”, are clearly anti-Trump as well. We know this from the actions of the FBI in the the Russian Collusion Hoax, dreamt up by Hillary Clinton after her 2016 election loss. And we know it from the fact that, in October 2020 during that election campaign, 51 former heads of Intelligence Agencies, of the FBI, the CIA, the DOHS, signed on to a letter claiming that the “Hunter Biden Laptop” story was likely Russian Misinformation, when we know -- and they had to have known then -- that it was indeed Hunter’s laptop and that its contents were very damaging to Joe Biden’s candidacy. 

In other words, it’s hardly a fair fight. It’s Trump against the world. Trump against not just Harris, but also the media. And the government and its vexatious lawfare against him, via various lawsuits, that even people on the left -- like Fareed Zakaria of CNN --admit are politically motivated. 

It is no exaggeration to say that it’s “Trump against the world”. 

I mean: even against a sniper’s bullet! (Which, let’s note here, has been memory-holed by the media. Reflects too well on Trump, dontcha know...). 

And yet. And yet. The polls show that it’s a close-run thing. That Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are running neck and neck. If the media were right -- that Kamala is wonderful and Trump a  “danger to democracy” -- you’d expect that the polls would show Kamala surging ahead. The fact that she’s not is a measure of just how bad a candidate she is. And -- perhaps hopefully -- that the public is not fooled by the media bias. After all, it was only yesterday that she was universally seen as a failure of a Veep. And that her time as DA of San Francisco and AG of California were failures. As Tulsi Gabbard savaged her during the 2020 debates. 

On the candidate experience thing: Trump is an experienced business man. Some criticise him for being a “justmillionaire who became a billionaire”. Well, it’s not that easy to become a billionaire even starting with millions. Only one in 34,000 turns millions to Billions. 
Trump inherited around $47 million, which he’s grown to around $10 Billion. That’s 39% compound growth, well in excess of the S&P, well in excess of the best-performing Funds. It doesn’t happen by accident. It doesn’t happen without serious business smarts. And he now has the government executive experience of one term as US president. His running mate, J.D. Vance, founded and ran a technology company after serving in the US Marines -- including in Iraq --  and gaining a Yale law degree, all starting as a hillbilly boy. On the other side, neither Kamala Harris, nor her running mate Tim Walz has any experience in business at all. Zero. 

My own experience in self-owned business -- as well as in government and corporate jobs -- taught me that owning and running your own business is one of the biggest teachers of the reality of life that there is. 

Trump and Vance have it. Harris and Walz don’t. 

I live in Hong Kong so I’m not directly affected by US elections. But I do follow them closely. Like most folks around the world. Because US elections do affect the rest of the world. US elections have consequences. 

My take is that it would be best for the United States and best for the world if Trump won. 

I’ll do a separate post on why I think that. It’s not that I’m a crazy Trump fan-boy. Or that I hate Kamala because she’s a “Woman of Colour”. Neither of these. But one is bad and one is not quite so bad. That’s where I’d put it. The least bad candidate is Trump. Which is probably rather unfair to him. After all, his first presidency is now looked back on with some nostalgia: a time of low inflation, good wage growth and peace in the world. 

Peace, baby.

Verona Vineyard


John at Verona Vineyard, with unidentified vigneron. After a performance of Beethoven’s 9th at the Verona Colosseum. 

Saturday 17 August 2024

“America is so racist that …

 “America is so racist that the Democratic candidate has to insist that she’s Black, in order to have a chance of winning”.

I forget who said that, but it’s pretty cute isn’t it. 

Why I am pro Israel

Click above for the video
“Why I am pro Israel”. Douglas Murray explains. 

All Douglas says, I agree with. Therefore, this is why I care so much about Israel. For exactly the same reasons. 

Israel PM, Bibi Netanyahu at the recent speech to U.S. Congress: 

Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. Our victory will be your victory".

“Our” here means the U.S.. It also means the West. I care about the West. I think the west has better values than Islamic countries. I’ve lived in both. The data prove it. The flow of migrants, East to West, proves it. People vote with their feet and it only goes in one direction. 

Students burning U.S. flags, graffiti on foundational statues, calling for  “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” is to demonise Israel, it is to destroy Israel, it is to kill every Jew in Israel. If the Jihadis succeed, it’s Europe next and the United States. And Australia. Only we here in East Asia are somewhat immune from the threat, because of China’s robust stance against Jihadism and Islamisation. 

That’s why I care about Israel. A tolerant, open, vibrant, democracy. A bulwark for the west. The only such in the middle east. We must support it. Those who support Hamas must be stopped. 

Friday 16 August 2024

American exceptionalism ➡️ American Defeatism


Click above for the video 
American exceptionalism ➡️ American Defeatism”:

This move all started, I believe, with Barack Obama and his policy to “lead from behind”. He did actually say that! “I want to lead from behind”. Then gave us his notoriously bad “Cairo Speech”, his first go at appeasing the Muslim World.

Part of which was to ally with the Shia State of Iran, against U.S. allies, the Sunni State of Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Which led to the JCPOA with Iran. More cash for the black-turbaned mullahs. More funding for terrorism. More money for nukes.

The opposite was the Trump policy, as described by Caroline Glick, to empower allies to defend themselves. They’re “always there” on the ground. They care very much to defend themselves. And which led to the Abraham Accords, the greatest move to peace in the Middle East since 1948.

By contrast the Biden-Harris doctrine is try to maintain a “peace” by restraining allies, appeasing enemies. Simplistic and reductionist: but true. Look at the policy to Iran. Trump starved the mullahs of money for terrorism; Biden opened the spigot of cash to fund the “Three H’s”:: Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. 

Israel should not be restrained from pre-emptive attack on Hezbollah rocket bases in S. Lebanon. But they are, by this incompetent, pusillanimous Harris-Biden government. The reason Israel won wars like the 1967 one is that they carried out pre-emptive strikes. Which are allowed in International law. But they’re being restrained by zombie Joe. Because of the Hamas faction of the Dem party, and the need to win Minnesota and Wisconsin, the “two-state solution”.  Heh.... With “allies” like these, who needs enemies, right?!

Glick argues that under Harris it’ll get worse. Worse for American allies like Israel. But Better for its enemies like Iran. I agree.

The current “negotiations” for a “ceasefire” are a joke when all the pressure is put on Israel and none of the pressure is put on the terrorist group that started the war, with a massacre, and is keeping hostages. Hamas doesn’t even bother to turn up for the “negotiations”, such is its distain for them and belief that it’ll get even more from Harris-Biden, without giving a single inch. 

A “ceasefire” where Israel gets only 30 or the remaining 115 hostages, has to pay by releasing 10 imprisoned murderers for every one hostage and has to withdraw from Gaza while on the verge of victory?? And… AND… Hamas is demanding Israel withdraw from the Golan Heights and hand them to Hamas!! If you’ve ever been there (I have) you know immediately that Israel cannot, ever, give up the Heights. This “ceasefire” is a sick joke from this administration. It’s being pushed because of Democrat domestic politics. They need a swing state, Michigan, that has lots of very active Hamas supporters. 

Video intro:
The White House is pressuring Israel to throw in the towel, but will Bibi give in to the unprecedented pressure? While it may seem as if America is trying to protect Israel from an attack, the truth is that the Biden administration is also containing Israel and preventing a victory. This is in direct contradiction to Trump’s successful policy in the region. We’ll discuss all this and more on today’s Caroline Glick In Focus episode.

Thursday 15 August 2024

"Media Elites Are So Self-Obsessed And Power-Mad They Lie Even To Themselves” | Michael Shellenberger

Click above for the video
Transcript, Michael Shellenberger speaking;

You might have seen this amazing exchange between CBS Late Night host Stephen Colbert and CNN’s Kaitlyn Collins on Monday night.

Colbert: I know you guys are objective over there, that you just report the news as it is.

[loud audience laughter]

Collins: Was that supposed to be a laugh line?

Colbert: It wasn't supposed to be but I guess it is.

What was so amazing about it wasn’t that everybody laughed. After all, just 32% of the public trusts the media to be objective. What was amazing was that Colbert really appears to believe that CNN is objective.

On the one hand, we shouldn’t be surprised by this. Both Colbert and CNN are anti-Trump and liberal. It’s natural that Colbert would agree with CNN’s point of view.

But does Colbert really believe that the public views CNN as “objective”? After all, just 7 percent of the public told Gallup last year that they have a “great deal of trust in the media,” while 38% say they have no trust at all.

And yet Colbert not only thinks CNN is objective, he must have thought that his audience would agree with him. Witness how surprised he was and the discomfort it caused him, which led him to quickly change the subject.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

China: roadblocks to superpower-dom

Comm-speak gobbledygook. Which limits speech to “positive publicity”.

That’s no basis for a creative society. Or world-beating country.

We have more Free Speech here in Hong Kong than in the U.K.

Click above for the video
"We have more Free Speech here in Hong Kong than in the U.K.


I can criticise all I like the tenets of Islam. If you do so under the new Labour government of Sir Keir Starmer, you end up in jail. 


Starmer quickly earnered new nick names. “Two Tier Keir” for his support of policing that treats thugs from minority communities way more leniently than the native-born whites.  “Keir Jung-un” and "Keir Stalin” for his authoritarianism. 

A couple of vids:  

Dan Wooton: 

Quotes Christopher Hitchins: “Resist it while you can”. Talking of censorship. And predicting that it would become illegal to criticise Islam, which is a belief system, an ideology, and which has come to pass with the words of Keir Starmer in the video. 

Malleus Communismi

With references to Peter Hitchens warnings about Keir Starmer’s far-left history and practice. He was a senior member of various pro-Soviet and pro-Marxist orgs. 

This also looks at Tony Blair, who was responsible for the devolution of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all of which has been clearly to the poverty of the United Kingdom. Made it worse, IOW. And for the mass immigration that the UK suffers now, hugely, widely, consistently, opposed by around three quarters of the population. That was down to Blair. And setting up the Supreme Court, which has made it more difficult to enact and enable legislation to deal with the problems he created. Crafty Tony. 

Monday 12 August 2024

“Two-Tier Keir” | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Blood in Britain's Streets. By Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I’ve followed Hirsi Ali for many years. Somali-born, forced into marriage with a much older man who abused her, forced to have FGM, she managed to escape, to Holland, team up with filmmaker Theo Van Gough (grand-nephew, iirc, of the painter) to make the movie “Fitna” about the mistreatment of women in Islam, which subject she knew from first hand experience. Theo was murdered by an Islamist nutter for his “blasphemy”. The murderer pinned a note to Theo’s body, with his knife. It said “To Ayaan: you’re next”. Ayaan fled to the U.K., then to the U.S. 
She married the famous popular historian Niall Ferguson along the way. And converted from atheism to Christianity.
She is a powerful, scrupulous, brave direct woman. From her blog, in response to the chaos unfolding in Britain:


It should go without saying that all violent disorder which endangers lives and destroys property is unacceptable. There is no excuse that justifies riots, attacks on citizens, property damage and arson. This red line applies to all individuals or groups on the political spectrum from far right to far left and just as much to all ethnic and religious minorities regardless of their numbers or social status. It tears at the social fabric and destroys the trust which is necessary for common flourishing. Unfortunately, the British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer did not say this in his statement on the developments.

The Prime Minister decided instead to single out what he calls "far-right" and made a point of stressing the need to keep Muslims and minority communities safe. 

Some comments from Me 

Mass immigration 

This is a concern across the western world. By polling 70-90% of people in Europe, the UK, the U.S., say they want a limit to mass immigration, and especially illegal mass migration. The elites — politicians and the media — have ignored or mocked them. France voted to limit mass immigration, but instead, through Macron’s manipulations they ended up with communism. Britons wanted limits on mass immigration and got a Left-wing pro-more immigration Labour Party of Sir Keir Starmer.
Here’s a thought: it’s not so much mass immigration that’s the problem as the type of it. I don’t think Brits would be nearly so concerned if the immigration was from the Far East — China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam— or from Hindu India or Christian Bangladesh. Or from Nigerian atheists. Or Zoroastrian Iranians. Or pantheist Poles. 
But a lot of it — perhaps even most of it — is from Islamic countries. Large chunks of Muslim immigrants,  y all our experience and polling, don’t share many or any of western values. The ideology of Islam despises other religions and non-religious. It is homophobic, misogynist, sectarian, militarist, supremacist, and has been so since its founding by the warlord Muhammad. 
How can locals warm to immigrants who have bombed their buses, killed their young festival goers, knifed their veterans, decapitated their politicians? Seriously, how?

Big Brother Starmer

The British PM, Sir Keir Starmer, instead of taking these widespread concerns into account, not only ignores them, but threatens the messengers. His government just said: “Think before you post”.
Imagine that! Be careful what you say. Sir Keir has 3,000 stormtroopers combing the internet for “hate speech”. Basic ally anything Sir Keir doesn’t like. 
They’re threatening to arrest the famous best-selling author Douglas Murray, FFS!
Steven Edginton, the smart young investigative journalist, was nearly arrested. His crime? He reported in the failures and unpopularity of DEI policies in the British armed forces.  
And in the meantime Tulsi Gabbard over in the USA, has been put on a “Terror Watch List”!

Free Speech and our basic rights as citizens are being throttled and it’s not from the Right. In all cases it’s the Left parties that are going after their opponents with lawfare, lowfare and unfairfare.


The question is then: “why do politicians across the western world ignore the will of the majority of their people? Why?”
I don’t get it. And neither does the media, because they don’t ask the question. To them it’s self evident that more immigration is A Good Thing. If you question it’s you who’s the bigot.
I blame John Lennon. At least partly. Listen to the lyrics of “Imagine”: 
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Yes, it is easy to imagine it. In a perfect world, no borders, we travel where we want when we want, no countries: no passport needed. The freedom of mankind. As an atheist for nearly 70 years (!) I’d love to imagine “no religion too”.
But of course that’s not how the world works. Which fact is a stubborn thing. 
Religion is stronger than ever. The Fundamentalist religious are more numerous than ever. Big chunks of humanity believe in supernatural deities who tell them to hate those who don’t believe as they do, that women are worth only half a man, that minorities should be subdued and battled. That blasphemers and apostates must be killed. When big chunks of those big chunks come to the west their confident supremacist values overcome our own flaccid “tolerant” values— as we see from our own actual, real, in-front-of-our-eyes experience. But Starmer, Macron, Harris-Biden, Albanese (Australia) do not want to — will not — face that fact. 
And the world, humankind, is worse for it. A net decrease in civilisation, net increase in barbarism. 

Sunday 11 August 2024

"The Rise of the Completely Wrong ‘Expert’” | Wilfed Reilly

 We need to talk about today’s critical mass of unimpressive “experts.”

Just a week or so back, at the end of July, Columbia and UCLA law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw — the founder of “intersectional” theory — took to Twitter/X to argue a point. As she passionately put it: “Black women make up less than 10% of the population, yet when it comes to killings by police, we make up a 3rd of them, with the majority unarmed. And that’s exactly what happened with Sonya Massey. #SayHerName.” This post, so far, has received 1,800 likes and has been shared 1,200 times.

The only problem here is that Crenshaw is wildly, almost bizarrely wrong. 

Read on...

This reminds me of a candidate for a Federal Judgeship, saying that her quoted comment that “there is a killing by police of an unarmed Black man, every day in the United States”, which is wildly inaccurate -- there are in fact about one per month. But she simply responded that she was representing a client, and this was a “rhetorical statement”. IOW, truth be blowed. 

The idea that police are out to kill Black people, from the moment they get up in the morning has been debunked many times. Including by a Black Harvard professor, Roland Fryer. But is simply ignored. It’s the “my-side” bias. What doesn’t agree with my side, I discount. 

Saturday 10 August 2024

Tim Walz’ Meltdown | Victor Davis Hanson

Click above for the video 
Can Trump listen to Victor Davis Hanson? Somehow I doubt it. In the debate against Biden he did repeat the border issue again and again. 

There’s a target-rich environment, bit disarray in the GOP.

The GOP neeeds to get its act together super fast. 

A very interesting talk with a talk show guy I’ve never heard of before. 

Friday 9 August 2024

REPOST: “Why won’t Israel accept the right of return for Palestinians?"

Arabs and Jews fled. Only the Arabs still claim refugee status

 I repost this from August 2018. It remains as true now as it was then. 

The main point: in 1948, the Arabs living in the land that was to be called “Israel”, were told by their Arab neighbours to flee, so that they, the Arab armies, could be left free to slaughter the Jews. The local  Arabs -- now called “Palestinians” -- would then be allowed to return. In triumph, presumably. 

That never happened, because the Arab armies lost to the newly-born Israel Defence Forces. 

And the Arabs have never got over it. And never forgiven the Jews. Whose initial “error” was to laugh at Muhammd, way back when he was just a budding saviour and warlord. 

You don’t get to rewrite history because you lost. The post I did back then, which remains relevant: 

“Why won't Israel accept the right of return for Palestinians?”
Because there is no “right of return” for Palestinians. The phrase in UNGAR 194 about the return of refugees states in part:
“11. Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date,…”
The operative phrase that remains unfulfilled by the Palestinians is: “and live at peace with their neighbours”. To date there has been little evidence that any self-styled Palestinian is willing to “live at peace with their neighbours”. No country can be expected to accept a massive intake of a hostile population that has only one objective: destroying the country they claim they want to “return” to.
Article 11 goes on to say that:
“compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible;”
The entire Arab League, along with the Higher Arab Committee for Palestine, which was the representative of the Arabs of Palestine at that time, rejected UNGAR 194 in its entirety when it was published in December 1948. You cannot come back 45 years later (1993) and say, “Hey, you remember that offer you made back in 1948? I’d like to take you up on that!”
As for compensation, there are very few Arabs from Palestine who can actually demand compensation for the simple fact that only about 8% (including land owned in the West Bank and Gaza, which would only be eligible for compensation if Israel annexed the same parcels of land) of the Mandate land was actually owned by local Arabs, and several thousand claims have already been adjudicated since 1948. How many can possibly be left?
Then there’s the issue of compensation, which “should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible;”, which includes the Arab League governments and the Higher Arab Committee for Palestine, who “advised” and in many cases threatened Arabs to leave their homes:
“The Arab exodus, initially, at least, was encouraged by many Arab leaders, such as Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem exiled by the British for siding with the Germans in WWII, and by the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine. They viewed the first wave of Arab setbacks as merely transitory. Let Palestine Arabs flee into neighboring countries. It would serve to arouse the other Arab peoples to greater effort, and when the Arab invasion struck, the Palestinians could be compensated with the property of Jews driven into the sea.” Kenneth Bilby, an American correspondent covering Palestine during the war. (1940- “New Star in the Near East”, New York, 1950, pp. 30-31)


“I do not want to impugn anybody but only to help the refugees. The fact that there are these refugees is the direct consequence of the Arab States in opposing partition and the Jewish State. The Arab States agreed upon this policy unanimously, and they must share in the solution of the problem.” Emil Ghoury, Secretary of the Arab Higher Committee, the official leader of the Palestinian Arabs, in a Beirut newspaper, also reported in the Daily Telegraph on September 6, 1948.
“The Arab civilians panicked and fled ignominiously. Villages were frequently abandoned before they were threatened by the progress of war.” General Glubb Pasha (the British officer who helped build the Transjordanian Army) wrote this in the London Daily Mail (August 12, 1948).
“The Arab Exodus …was not caused by the actual battle, but by the exaggerated description spread by the Arab leaders to incite them to fight the Jews. …For the flight and fall of the other villages it is our leaders who are responsible because of their dissemination of rumors exaggerating Jewish crimes and describing them as atrocities in order to inflame the Arabs ... By spreading rumors of Jewish atrocities, killings of women and children etc., they instilled fear and terror in the hearts of the Arabs in Palestine, until they fled leaving their homes and properties to the enemy.” – The Jordanian daily newspaper Al Urdun, April 9, 1953.
“The Arab governments told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in.” A refugee quoted in Al Difaa (Jordan) September 6, 1954.
“The wholesale exodus was due partly to the belief of the Arabs, encouraged by the boasting of an unrealistic press and the irresponsible utterances of some of the Arab leaders that it could be only a matter of some weeks before the Jews were defeated by the armies of the Arab states, and the Palestinian Arabs enabled to re-enter and re-take possession of the country.” – Edward Atiyah (Secretary of the Arab League, London, The Arabs, 1955, p. 183)
Even Mahmoud Abbas blames the Arab League states for their part in today’s status of the self-styled “Palestinians”:
“The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny, but instead they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, imposed upon them a political and ideological blockade and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live in Eastern Europe.
“The Arab states succeeded in scattering the Palestinian people and in destroying their unity. They did not recognize them as a unified people until the states of the world did so, and this is regrettable.” – The Current President of the Palestinian authority- Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), from the official journal of the PLO, Falastin el-Thawra (“What We Have Learned and What We Should Do”), Beirut, March 1976, reprinted in the Wall Street Journal, June 5,2003.
As for compensation, there’s also the “minor detail” of compensating the 850,000 Jews expelled from Arab lands, with all their possessions confiscated, since they were also a result of the same war. The Arab League states, so humiliated over losing the 1948 war, expelled all their Jewish populations and stole their possessions. 

If the “Palestinians” deserve compensation, then so do the Jews, whose families lived in those lands for a thousand years or more before Mohammed invented Islam, deserve the same consideration… and it’s several times larger than any accumulated Palestinian claims could ever be.