Tuesday 15 March 2022

Does this look like a plateau?


The above from World in Data, here. Whereas Dr Lau Yu-lung who chairs the government’s Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases says:

Residents should not expect the number of infections to drop in the near future, health experts warned. Professor Lau Yu-lung, who chairs the government’s Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases, said he believed local infections – fuelled by the more contagious Omicron variant – had plateaued, and would remain steady for three to six weeks before coming down again.

We’ll see... My prediction: it may bump around, but then continue down. That’s the pattern elsewhere, as in my post below, yesterday. 

Meantime, came across a weird one. Deaths per capita increase with increased GDP per capita. How ‘dat`?

X-axis: GNP per capita. Y-axis: deaths per capita.
Click screenshot to go to the source 
I mean: how can it be that per capita Covid deaths increase the more wealthy a country is?? Serious question. A thing I don’t get.