Sunday 27 March 2022

Listening to Gene Simmons, founder-leader of KISS…

… who is my age (72) and talking about having perspective. Be thankful for the small problems you have, when you consider Ukraine and Yemen. We don’t have problems, we in the rich world. Be thankful every day.

And says you got to keep active, or else you’re waiting for death. Which reminds me of the Chinese triptych: you’re either waiting for death, fearing death or courting death. 等死,怕死,找死. Be brave. Be courting death; taking risks.

He arrived in the US aged 8, in 1957,  with his mother, same year I arrived in Australia. Neither one of us spoke English at the time. He and mother from Hungary. We from Italy. He and his mother refugees from Hungary where she had been in a Nazi concentration camp. We, my family, from an embassy posting to Italy.

iPad,it’s the man and his accomplishment. And his practical, grateful, views in life.

His band, KISS, is starting on its Final World Tour. The reason it’s the last is the outfits KISS wear. The boots weigh like bowling balls. He says he can’t be clomping around on stage with 50 pounds of costume, at age 75. He’ll keep going. But more in the Keith Richards mode: sneakers and jeans. I like the guy. He is, as they say, based. (Watch)